Live Shots NY


Live Shots NY


Newsroom technology

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Media 3

Media 3 just completed a live broadcast facility elegantly disguised as a luxurious Midtown executive club. Working with TPG Planning and Design, Media 3 designed the facility with maximum flexibility and sophistication in mind to accommodate a clientele that regularly includes heads of state, CEOs and celebrities.

The new 16,000sq-ft facility supports two control rooms, five studios, broadcast service panels and 24 fiber tie lines to Ascent Media's Fifth Avenue hub. Every source and destination throughout the facility is on a Miranda router, eliminating the need for any hard patching. From anywhere in the facility, guests can monitor up to four signals simultaneously to keep current on world events that could affect their impending appearance.

The facility's four live-shot studios are prelit and always ready to go at a moment's notice. The facility is designed around Media 3's BureauCam live-shot system.