Taiwanese broadcasters use Vizrt graphics for election coverage

Six Taiwanese broadcasters created election graphics this month with Vizrt systems to cover thousands of candidates from the country’s 23 counties.

Four more Taiwanese broadcasters have selected Vizrt’s Viz|Trio real-time character generator and graphics system and a three-camera Viz|Virtual Studio virtual graphics system, bringing the total to six that used Vizrt graphics for the island nation’s live, election coverage earlier this month.

The new customers in Taiwan include USTV, PTS, TVBS and new children’s channel Win-TV.

The first Taiwanese networks to acquire Vizrt graphics systems were ETTV and TTV in 2003. TTV added a three-camera Viz|Virtual Studio system last year. SET selected of Viz|Content Pilot content management and control software in 2004.

This year’s elections were particularly challenging because there were thousands of candidates from the country’s 23 counties, making analyzing and reporting the results extremely complicated.

For more information, visit www.vizrt.com.

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