TV Bahia Implements Grass Valley’s K2 Dyno

MONTREAL, QUEBEC, CANADA—Grass Valley announced TV Bahia, a regional broadcaster in Bahia, Brazil, has purchased four K2 Dyno Replay Systems that include the recently incorporated tOG-Sports telestration option from RT Software. TV Bahia will use the K2 Dyno systems for all sports-related broadcasts and cultural events. TV Bahia used the new system for recent events such as the Salvador Carnival and Summer Festival 2014.

Grass Valley’s K2 Dyno includes a touchscreen interface and increased content/metadata integration. It provides logging, content management and full craft editing capabilities. K2 Dyno’s integration with tOG-Sports telestration, managed from the K2 Dyno touchscreen interface, can deliver split screens, key frame–tracking zoom and spot zoom, as well as various other illustration tools such as traditional lines, circles and shaded regions.