Vantrix introduces Bandwidth Optimizer

The Bandwidth Optimizer from Vantrix provides the broadest capabilities coupled with superior performance and scalability to reduce network congestion caused by streaming video/audio, web content and application downloads while balancing network performance/costs with quality-of-experience. Bandwidth Optimizer enables mobile operators to rapidly adapt to changing traffic demands and revenue opportunities through deep traffic insights, granular policy controls and integration-friendly network insertion.

Key Advantages:

•Broad media optimization and delivery capabilities.

•Auditable and controllable video/image visual quality measurement.

•Powerful rules engine with easy-to-use scripting for context-aware traffic routing and policy enforcement.

Main Benefits:

•Maximize optimization and delivery options to achieve greatest results in reduced network congestion.

•Gain valuable insights into traffic flow and subscriber usage.

•Improve revenue through service differentiation and monetization.

•Achieve optimal balance between end-user quality-of-experience and network savings.

•Rapidly adapt optimization to changing traffic demands and revenue opportunities.

•Leverage a technology platform that supports business growth.

In particular, by means of optimization, Bandwidth Optimizer reduces RAN usage peaks, Internet backhaul, video/audio stalling, and video/web latency. And it improves network utilization while maintaining video/image visual quality. Bandwidth Optimizer’s sophisticated optimization capabilities include pacing or bit-rate throttling, transrating, transcoding, dynamic bit-rate adaptation and caching. It also optimizes streaming music and application download delivery.