Vendor View, Ephraim Barrett, Rascular
Expected tech trends: An interesting question. I have to admit to having a blinkered view, our business being focused mainly on manual control. In the broadcast device control space the advances tend to come mainly as step changes are made, resulting in protocols being extended to control new device features -- the control requirement to take a logo to air is the same whether it be an SD or HD logo.
On a broader note, I am interested to see how manufacturers are addressing the multiscreen market in a way that allows programme rights owners and broadcasters to best leverage their assets commercially whilst protecting them on a rights basis.
New at IBC: We will be showing extensions to our main product Helm; a user customisable manual control application for devices found in broadcast facilities. Helm provides control of devices such as branding gear, routers, modular equipment, video servers and multiviewers. Users can design control panels which control single or multiple pieces of equipment from different manufacturers in single or multichannel environments to match their individual workflow requirements.
Additionally we will be showcasing our router control offering RouteMaster. RouteMaster is a router control system that addresses a number of key areas for facilities.
Initial thoughts on 4K/8K: I'll admit to being a bit of a philistine here. As a viewer. HD works!
As far as our customers are concerned, we are not seeing the trickle down as yet. But as before, from a control perspective it will be more of the same.
Favourite bar, pub or restaurant in Amsterdam: I have been playing the game a little too long now to say honestly that I have a favourite. I do have a recollection of a memorable evening -- in the dim (and distant) past -- that involved the IBC party followed by a refreshment or two in the Old Bell in Rembrandt Square. It being a Friday night, the Old Bell was jumping and a good time was had by all. The following day was made even more memorable as it seemed to last three times as long and witnessed our Sales Director taking pity on one unfortunate Regional Sales Manager, sending him back to his hotel room. No such luck for us country Sales Managers though!
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How many IBCs to date; any IBC trade show tips: This will be IBC number 19. More than some, not as many as others. As far as the trade show tip goes. Remember the golden rule for exhibitions staff. It doesn't matter what you get up to the night before, as long come 09:00 the following morning you are on the stand!