AAF/MXF technical awareness event and conference set

The AAF Association is hosting a series of technical demonstrations and industry panels designed for content producers and technical staff to learn more about how to use the Advanced Authoring Format (AAF) and Material Exchange Format (MXF) standards.

The two-day event will take place July 11-22 at the Hilton Burbank Airport and Conference Center, in Burbank, CA.

Representatives from major industry companies, including corporate sponsors Avid Technology, Automatic Duck and Snell & Wilcox, will address issues of metadata and AAM/MXF workflows, compliance, implementation and product plans.

Speakers will describe AAF/MXF from a technical standpoint and illustrate actual metadata workflows in use today. Attendees will learn how users can rely on new solutions to improve workflow, reduce re-keying of critical information and save money on production.

Session topics include:
· introduction to AAF and MXF;
· using AAF and MXF technology in production;
· BBC production case study;
· AAF and MXF interoperability demonstrations;
· editorial workflow for commercial production;
· content search and retrieval; and
· metadata at FOX.

For more information, visit www.aafassociation.org.