AFTRA to Senate: Reject Indecency Bill
AFTRA says nearly 1,500 signatures and letters have arrived at the union in opposition to the Broadcast Decency Enforcement Act (SB 2056).
AFTRA's Rebecca Rhine, assistant national executive director, public policy and strategic planning, said, "This initial response, overwhelming for such a short period of time, confirms that serious concerns exist among performers for fining individuals for corporate decisions. The focus ought to be on how media consolidation creates fewer choices for the public and fewer outlets for diverse programming. It is clear that a half-million dollar fine will result in a chilling effect on artistic freedom."
In a letter sent to members of the U.S. Senate, AFTRA states the bill's broadcast indecency standards are vague and the penalties are excessive and misdirected. Key provisions of the bill increase the existing fines on announcers to $500,000.
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