Anton Bauer Inc. - Martyn Sly-Jex, Manager, EMEA and Russia

Q. Evaluate 3D one year after it was perhaps over-hyped by various industry types at IBC 2010—what is the reality settling down into?
3D technology is mainly driven by the entertainment industry. This technology will continue to create “interest” in the market place in order for major electronic companies to promote their consumer products, such as 3D flat screen TVs. In addition to the entertainment industry, 3D technology is gradually being applied to sports and live events, but major broadcasters won’t be able to broadcast in 3D as live content for at least the next few years due to the mass of data.

Some major upcoming events, which will be broadcast in 3D, include the FEFA Euro Cup in 2012, Summer Olympic Games in 2012, Winter Olympic Games in 2014 and FEFA World Cup in 2014. These events will provide a valuable litmus test in the broadcast industry. Based on these results, the broadcast industry will make decisions on how to utilize the technology for broadcast applications.

Q. What broad technology trends do you think will be front-and-centre at IBC?
Similar to results in both 2009 and 2010, the top four trends in the 2011 Global Broadcast Industry Trend Index are multiplatform content delivery, transition to HDTV operations, file-based/tapeless workflow, and IP networking and content delivery. The trends, which impact our business, are the high growth in the Digital Cine market—and the remaining broadcasters moving from tape to solid state.

Q. What’s new that you will show at IBC and that broadcasters should look for there?
Broadcasters should come to understand the benefits delivered by the unique features of several new products being launched by Anton/Bauer this year at IBC. The success of our Tandem 150 Modular Charging system will continue to draw visitors as it is the most portable, lightweight and flexible piece of gear for any ENG kit. Rental houses will also see the latest solutions for the widening range of cameras for the professional Cine market, including the Sony PMW-F3 camera; Canon EOS 5D Mark II, EOS 7D and EOS 60D Digital SLR cameras; Panasonic AG-AF100 series professional HD camera; RED Epic digital cinema camera and the ARRI Alexa digital cinema camera.

Q. How is your new product offering different from what’s available on the market?
The power market is changing fast, with up to 30 different manufacturers that offer similar solutions. The overwhelming aim for other suppliers is low price and simplicity, which applies to some customers. At Anton/Bauer, we are targeting the market segment that defines specific needs and expectations, such as extended run-times, solid reliability, multiple solutions across many applications, safety, high load capabilities, control and information, service and support, and parameters for an investment. The main difference between us and the rest is the new product innovations will be from Anton/Bauer. We understand our customers’ individual requirements and are there to talk about solutions.

Q. Where are you based, and how many employees do you have? Anything else we should know about your company?
Established in 1970, Anton/Bauer, a brand of The Vitec Group, and the world’s premier provider of batteries, chargers, lighting and other mobile power systems, is headquartered in the United States in Shelton, Conn., with offices in Europe and Asia. We also just opened an office in Brazil for after-sales support

Before we came along, the technology that we all take for granted today, simply did not exist. All this time later, we continue to lead, not only in technology and innovation, but with long term relationships with our customers, industry experts and business partners. We not only possess superior knowledge regarding power systems technology, but we know how to integrate that to meet our customers’ individual needs. An even greater distinction, however, between us and our competitors is our customer support. We understand our customers’ frustrations when they’re having issues on location and we immediately make their problems our problems by getting them up and running as quickly as possible. That is to say, we truly consider ourselves as part of our customers’ production teams.

Q. How many years have you been going to the IBC show and what’s your fondest memory? What’s your favourite restaurant or pub?
The most memorable and my first IBC was in 2001 and just after 9/11. I was there to learn the ropes, no colleagues and very little kit turned up. HQ had canceled everything, so we had a shell stand, with one table and a chair and a few catalogues. We didn’t do a lot of business at the show that year, but so many people helped out and took time to talk, that I got a really positive view of the industry.

I am not sure why, but the pubs are blurred in my memory. My favorite restaurants have got to be Japanese, but I won’t mention names, it is hard enough to get a table as it is.