Artistic Licence Helps Light Coke Pavilion

Artistic Licence is working with architectural lighting firm Lightswitch on the Coca-Cola Pavilion for the Beijing Olympic Games. A two-story, 4,000-square-meter building, the Coca-Cola Shuang Experience Center is the largest facility on the Olympic Green outside the Beijing National Stadium.

The building houses an exhibition documenting the intertwining histories of Coca-Cola and the Olympic Games, the "Perfect Serve" hospitality area, a media zone running automated fixtures including Vari*lites and High End DL.3s complete with video content, and, externally, a roof comprised of a material membrane surmounted by the Olympic rings lit by 200 DTS wash lights.

The full architectural package adds up to nine universes of DMX512 which, on the advice of Artistic Licence Asia's Simon Fraser, is controlled by 13 Artistic Licence Down-Lynx Art-Net-to-DMX nodes.

Artistic Licence also recently launched a new Asian operation, Artistic Licence Asia. The new company is the evolution of an ongoing relationship between Artistic Licence UK and Hong Kong-based Ptarmigan Consulting.