ATSC to Sponsor Television Loudness Summit

The Advanced Television Systems Committee will sponsor a Television Loudness Summit on the University of Southern California campus on July 31.

Designed for program producers/originator, broadcasters, cable uplink and downlink operators and others in the production chain, the summit will examine the implementation of ATSC loudness throughout the path to the consumer. Topics will include measurement and setting of dialnorm, metadata handling, advances expected and current loudness problems.

The daylong event will run from 9:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., with breaks, lunch and handouts included in the registration. The precise location on the USC campus will depend on attendance and advance registrants will be notified of the final location via e-mail.

Registration is $175 per person and all attendees must register by July 27 to ensure lunch. For more information and to download the registration form, visit