BBG Nominations Sent to Senate

The White House has sent eight nominations to the Senate for the Broadcasting Board of Governors, the entity responsible for U.S. government and government-sponsored, non-military, international broadcasting such as Voice of America and Radio Martí.

The nominations require Senate confirmation. They are:

Victor Ashe of Tennessee for a term expiring next August; he would replace James Glassman, who resigned.

Walter Isaacson of Louisiana for a term until August 2012; he would replace Steven Simmons, whose term expired. Isaacson is also nominated to be chairman of the board to replace Glassman.

Michael Lynton of California for a term expiring in 2012; he would replace Mark McKinnon, whose term expired.

Susan McCue of Virginia for a term expiring in 2011; she would replace Joaquin Blaya, whose term expired.

Michael Meehan of Virginia for a term expiring next August. He would replace D. Jeffrey Hirschberg, whose term expired.

Dennis Mulhaupt of California, for a term expiring in 2011. He would replace Blanquita Walsh Cullum, whose term expired.

Dana Perino of the District of Columbia, for a term expiring in 2012; she would replace Edward Kaufman, who resigned.

S. Enders Wimbush of Virginia for a term expiring in 2010. He would replace Norm Pattiz, whose term expired.