Broadcast Vendors Maintain Sales Growth...

TEWKESBURY, GLOUCHESTERSHIRE: Sales in the broadcast equipment supplier sector grew last year despite the economic collapse in September, according to the International Association of Broadcasting Manufacturers. The IABM recently released an assessment of sales indicated growth of nearly 12 percent during the 12 months ending March 31, 2009. The 69 companies analyzed for IABM’s report had combined sales for $10.7 billion for the one-year period.

Of the 69, 78 percent showed a profit in the latest quarter reported, “but the level of profitability is falling,” IABM said. “Global market profitability has improved by only 4.3 percent year on year, the lowest rate of improvement since the Index tracking started. Indicators for European-based companies are that profitability is in significant decline.”(Story continues after Sponsored Link.)

Roger Crumpton, director of the IABM, said the figures should be taken in context.

“Financial statements published up to the end of March largely reflect the business trends for 2008, so not only are they only just beginning to be affected by the recession, they cover a particularly big year for the broadcast industry,” he said. “Looking at the qualitative statements made by the companies, it is clear that most have already taken appropriate action to protect margins… They are also taking advantage of the global nature of the industry, with sales performance in the Far East, Middle East, India and Australia reported to have held up better than North America and Western Europe.” -- reported in conjunction with Radio World