Broadcasting’s Future Prospects Examined at IBC 2013

During IBC 2013, the International Association of Broadcasting Manufacturers (IABM) will host the IABM Conference Session "Broadcast and Media Industry Strategy and Valuation.” Presented by IABM Director General Peter White at 8 a.m. on Friday, Sept. 13, the hour-long session will summarize the association's extensive research into the state of the broadcast industry.

The session is designed to provide unique insight into the industry's future. To that end, White's presentation will be followed by senior executives from well-respected industry organizations analyzing the broadcasting industry's annual valuation and growth, the specific sectors promising further growth, and the impact of IT-based technologies on investment and workflow.

John Ive, IABM director of business development and technology, will chair the session. It will feature panelists including Louis Hernandez, Jr., president and CEO at Avid Technology Inc.; Geir Bryn-Jensen, CEO at Nevion; and Lawrence R. Kaplan, president and CEO at SDVI Corporation.

Further information about the IABM and its activities is available at