BroadView Introduces Advanced Scheduling for Programming Module

TORONTO, ONTARIO — BroadView Software has added new capabilities to its programming toolset. Working in tandem with analytics software company Lake 5 Media, BroadView can help programmers match programs to audiences, leveraging maximum value for investments in content.

This module integrates ratings information provided by Lake 5 with BroadView’s module, enabling programming staff to schedule with more relevant information.

“This new functionality adds enormous value,” said Michael Atkin, BroadView founding partner and president. “With it, programmers have ratings information at hand instead of having to pull this from separate systems to inform their decision-making.”

Using BroadView, staff can view ratings for any demographic from programs, series and schedules from any commercial ratings service, as provided by Lake5 Media. The ratings analysis tool allows for analytical reports that break down the ratings. Historical schedules and ratings information is available if allowed by the available data. This enables BroadView users to see a detailed, multi-dimensional perspective when they view and analyze program ratings.

“We are always looking for new, better ways to distribute our analytics to media clients,” said Lake 5 Media CEO Matthew Bostock. “Easing the transfer of ratings information from sales to the programming department gives a competitive edge.