Broken TV sets top list of reasons why consumers would buy HDTV, says report

The top reason selected as motivation to buy an HDTV set was if the primary television set stopped working, according to findings of a new survey from Lyra Research.

The poll, “Why Buy? 2005 HDTV Purchase Intent Survey,” which is part of the latest DTV View report from the research company, identified several factors surrounding the potential consumer adoption of HDTV.

The factor ranking second from the top among factors motivating an HDTV purchase was a suggested huge tax refund from the IRS.

The majority of respondents did not feel compelled to purchase an HDTV set in 2005, according to Lyra analyst Steve Hoffernberg.

A special tax deduction or tax credit to offset the purchase of an HDTV set, ranked high on the list of motivating factors. While an HDTV tax incentive may sound unusual, researchers put it into the mix because the executive and legislative branches of the federal government have expressed interest in expediting the analog switchoff for broadcasters.

The survey, which was taken last November and December, polled 900 adults in the United States.

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