BTi technology automates on-screen display for SportsNet New York

SportsNet New York (SNY), the TV home of the New York Mets baseball team and the New York Jets football team, has selected Attendant Solutions from BTi to automate the collection and on air delivery of up-to-the minute sports scores and other data. BTi News Update Attendant will be used to integrate SNY's HD graphics infrastructure with real-time data sources to create a continuously updated graphics ticker for the network.

SNY will use the BTi News Attendant system to capture data from service provider SportsTicker, which is then delivered as a continuous stream of relevant information to the viewing audience.

BTi News Attendant automatically captures, formats and plays to air real-time data from almost any wire- or Web-based source. News Attendant enhances the capability of existing graphics systems, such as the Vizrt equipment selected by SportsNet New York, by turning a constant stream of raw data into real-time data and formatting it so that it is ready for instant playout to air. BTi News Update Attendant helps eliminate repetitive, manual processes, freeing operator and equipment resources for other productive tasks.

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