BTX named U.S. distributor of Soundog wireless tabletop audio system

BTX Technologies has been named the U.S. distributor of the Soundog audio system. Manufactured by Sprox, the Soundog system consists of a four-, six-, or eight-channel transmitter and wireless tabletop speakers. Designed for restaurant and sports bar applications, Soundog allows patrons to hear audio from any of the video displays stationed around the establishment.

Employing a long-range frequency, the Soundog speaker allows customers to audio surf through up to eight programs. The customer controls the volume using digital pushbuttons and an on/off volume control on a handheld unit. The digital eight-channel transmitter, which broadcasts sound over a low FM frequency, does not interfere with other wireless devices. Soundog works with any SD or HD cable or satellite receiver, including DIRECTV. The system runs for a minimum of 16 hours on a single charge and recharges overnight on a wall-mounted charging station called the DogHouse.

BTX will offer live demos of Soundog at the upcoming InfoComm 2008 show.

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