Calvary Chapel Fort Lauderdale Connects Congregations With Ikegami

MAYWOOD, N.J.—Calvary Chapel Fort Lauderdale has weekly attendance of 20,000 people at on its main campus, at satellite locations and online. The megachurch chose Ikegami HDK-55 full digital HDTV cameras to communicate its message to the various venues.

The Ikegami HDK-55 uses 1080i 2.3 megapixels AIT CCDs. Like the other portable cameras in the Unicam HD series, the HDK-55 is a compact low-profile camera head with docking adaptor for fiber or triax cable use.

In the Fort Lauderdale sanctuary, Chew and his team have three Ikegami HDK-55’s on platforms with long lenses, one on a jib, and another handheld to capture each service, broadcasting it to the seven satellite campuses and over the Internet.

“We have several types of lighting present on our sanctuary stage for different situations, in addition to a 60-foot wide image-blended background projection,” Chew said. “We were concerned that the difference between these various components would make video acquisition difficult, but the Ikegami cameras were extremely impressive in that regard: the HDK-55’s balanced perfectly, right out of the box.”

“With these cameras in place, we’re putting out an image quality that is superior – our parishioners at our satellite campuses feel as though they’re actually there in the main sanctuary,” he continues. “The Ikegami HDK-55 is allowing us to display a projection image that is more detailed and refined.”

“We have gotten great feedback from my operators and engineers,” Chew said. “There are so many features of the camera that are intuitive, that I know it’s making my operators’ lives easier.”