Canadian Cable Operators Tap SeaChange for VOD

The Canadian Cable Systems Alliance has selected SeaChange International Inc. to become the exclusive source for on-demand server platforms.

The organization, which represents 88 independent cable television companies in Canada, signed a purchase agreement with SeaChange for delivery of equipment including video server hardware, Axiom on-demand management software and set-top boxes.

"Video-on-demand is absolutely part of the picture of complete subscriber satisfaction regardless of the size of a cable operation," said Alyson Townsend, CEO of CCSA. "We're ensuring the independent cable community's power to compete and thrive especially as consumer access to other video programming choices widens rapidly."

Townsend added that the agreement with SeaChange would make the necessary hardware for implementing VOD available to all members and allow them to offer the service to all cable homes served throughout Canada.

CCSA member cable systems extend from British Columbia to Newfoundland and serve nearly one million subscribers. According to the latest information from the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission, pay television revenues have risen in that country by 12.4 during the last five years, with PPV and VOD services accounting for $482 million.