Cartoon Network deploys Chyron’s Channel Box
The Cartoon Network, owned by Turner Broadcasting System (TBS), has launched Chyron’s Channel Box, an HD/SD-switchable channel branding and automated promo system.
The network is using the Channel Box to automate the process of airing show credits in the lower third to allow for overlapping promos in the upper third. The system effectively adds 30 seconds of air time for network marketing and saves up to 30 minutes of production time in an edit suite per credit squeeze.
By integrating the Channel Box with Pro-Bel’s Media Ball, a technology that forms the heart of the Morpheus automation system that TBS uses, the Cartoon Network can automatically air any combination of credits, promos and starting segments in real-time without user intervention.
This significantly reduces costs. Pro-Bel’s Media Ball allows complex sequences of events to be packaged together, instantly providing simple presentation for the operator and easy manipulation within the Cartoon Network schedule.
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