Comcast Yule Log Goes 3D

PHILADELPHIA: Comcast is cablecasting its traditional “Yule Log” in 3D this year. The multichannel video provider runs The Yule Log channel every year during the Christmas season. Developed in 1966 by WPIX-TV chief Fred Thrower, the Log is simply a 24/7 video loop of a burning fireplace. Comcast said it had more than 4 million views on-demand during last year’s holiday season.

“This year, customers can watch The Yule Log in standard-definition, high-definition and in next-generation 3D, or pick from a dozen other holiday-themed screen savers to get into the holiday spirit On Demand,” Comcast said.

Comcast blogger Rose Farrales notes there is also a new Yule Dog singing Christmas carols and a radar screen for tracking Santa.

Comcast Image by Patrick Cecilian