Compix Media and DNF Controls join forces for CG control

Compix Media has teamed with DNF Controls to provide an integrated solution for completely automated delivery of timely information to air. An intelligent interface between Compix Media’s character generator product line and DNF Controls’ Universal Switch Panel (USP) provides the ability to generate automatically updated text-based graphics with a single button press.

With the new partnership, all of Compix Media's current character generator products can now be operated remotely by DNF Controls’ USP via industry standard protocols; including the Intelligent Interface and Graphics Programming Interface (GPI). The USP is a 1RU panel of multipurpose pushbutton switches that can be configured easily using an off-the-shelf Web browser. When the USP is integrated with Compix Media products, each button can be preprogrammed to recall a particular prebuilt template and automatically fill out that template with text from a specific document within a watch file.

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