Consumer demand stays strong for plasma, LCD TVs on Black Friday, reports NPD

Consumers eager to begin their post-Thanksgiving holiday shopping drove the sale of LCD and plasma televisions to triple digit growth for the period, according to retail research specialist NPD Group.

According to the researcher, LCD televisions 30in and larger experienced a growth in revenue of 208.5 percent and a 297 percent unit growth. Those less than 30in grew 26 percent in revenue and 86 percent in unit volume. Plasma televisions experienced impressive growth as well, with a 63 percent jump in revenue and a 140 percent increase in unit volume.

The impressive Black Friday (the day after Thanksgiving) statistics for LCD and plasma TV sales were spurred in part by some retailers offering TVs for their morning specials at prices that would have been below cost just a few months ago, according to NPD Group.

Aggressive promotions on flat-panels continued to erode projection and tube TV sales and helped push flat-panel sales ahead of tube TV sales for the first time, the company reported.

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