Consumer Reports Rates HD Sets

The December edition of the non-profit publication Consumer Reports offers detailed evaluations of a wide range of LCD, plasma, DLP and CRT sets, based on many factors. Here are some of their rankings (not solely based by price, video-audio quality, or size):

LCD HD - 32-27 inches

  1. Sony Wega (KLV 32M1)
  2. Panasonic Viera (TC-32LX50)
  3. LG (37LP1D)
  4. Samsung (LN-R328W)

PLASMA 42 inches

  1. Panasonic (TH-42PX50U)
  2. Panasonic (TH-42PX500U)
  3. Dell (W4200HD)
  4. Toshiba TheaterWide HD ((42HP84)

DLP (rear projection) All Sizes

  1. Sharp 56-inch (56DR650)
  2. Sony Grand Wega 50-inch (KDF-E50A10)
  3. Toshiba TheaterWide HD ((52HM95)
  4. Panasonic (PT-52LCX65)

CRT 34-inch 16:9 aspect ratio

  1. Sony FD Trinitron Wega HDTV (KD-34XBR960)
  2. Sony FD Trinitron Wega Hi-Scan (KV-34HS420)
  3. Toshiba TheaterWide HD (34HF85)
  4. (Sony also ranked first in 32, 30, and 26-28-inch models)