Cox Television Creates New Digital Sales Company

Atlanta-based Cox Television has established Cox Cross Media, a new digital sales company based in New York City.

Effective Oct. 1, Cox Cross Media will initially market and sell online media advertising for the 300-plus television stations that are currently represented by Cox Television’s three national sales representative firms. The firms, TeleRep, Harrington Righter & Parsons (HRP) and MMT Sales, also are based in New York.

“Online advertising is a tremendous growth area, and by creating Cox Cross Media, we’ve augmented our current offerings to produce a creative, collaborative solution,” said Jim Monahan, president of TeleRep.

According to TNS Media Intelligence, nearly $10 billion was spent on online display advertising in 2006. Cox Cross Media will provide customized solutions and enable advertisers to market to specific regions and Web sites. Cox Cross Media also plans to work with multiple media platforms, including mobile, in the future.