Crawford Takes To The Avenue

Crawford Communications has purchased Avenue signal integration equipment for its satellite facility.

"The Ensemble Designs Avenue product line was chosen for our new ENCOMPASS platform," states Bill Elsholz, Crawford Satellite's lead broadcast engineer. "The Avenue PC interface allows for easy access to a wide range of user selectable configurations, which are critical to our application." Avenue's SD and HD frame syncs and converters are well suited for satellite receiving and ingest.

Ensemble's Avenue signal integration system is made up of a combination of typical modules and some very interesting, problem-solving modules. Avenue is a modular system with 3RU and 1RU frames, both of which handle HD, SD and audio signals. Modules include conversion, distribution, frame synchronization, proc amps, routers, logo inserters, digital noise reducers, sync pulse generators, test signal generators, and embedders. All of these can be controlled and monitored through Ethernet or SNMP.