Current TV manages multistudio productions with Synergy MD-X

National cable and satellite channel Current TV, founded by former vice president Al Gore and businessman Joel Hyatt, announced that it had invested in a Synergy 4 MD-X digital production switcher from Ross Video.

Synergy products are used in the network’s state-of-the-art, HD-ready tapeless facilities in both San Francisco and Los Angeles, which also uses a Synergy 100 for smaller multicamera shots.

According to head technical director for Current TV Danny Skarka, the network chose Synergy products for their easy operability, full SD and HD capabilities and complete control of servers and cameras.

Current TV launched in August 2005 and is available today in approximately 30 million U.S. homes. The network touts itself as the first in history that uses viewer-created content for roughly one-third of its on-air broadcast.

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