Czech Television adds Quantel graphics look

State broadcaster Czech Television, which already owns six Quantel eQ finishing systems in its graphics department, has purchased two Quantel Genetic Engineering systems to provide a shared workflow infrastructure. The broadcaster also purchased three additional eQ finishing systems bringing the total to nine workstations.

One of the Genetic Engineering systems is for the graphics and post department, the second for promotions. The graphics and post system includes 18 hours of uncompressed HDRGB shared workspace to three eQ finishing systems providing editing, compositing and finishing tools. The Promotions system provides 12 hours of shared storage to two eQ systems. All connected workstations have simultaneous access to all stored material at all times.

Czech TV has also purchased Sam, which provides open read/write access to all shared media for third-party applications. This means that all the eQs, plus additional VFX workstations, can be working on front-line operations for 100 percent of the time, providing productivity boosts when compared with conventional SAN-based systems.