Czech TV buys VCube hard disk recorders

VCube is a video hard disk based video player/recorder system designed specifically for use in audio post production.

Czech National TV has bought 17 of Merging Technology’s VCube hard disk video player/recorders for its post-production department. The machines, supplied by Merging’s SI Dealer Interlab, are all connected using a 1GB Ethernet network to a central multiterabyte central storage via two RAID servers.

VCube is a video hard disk-based video player/recorder system designed specifically for use in audio postproduction. It can operate as a stand-alone unit, or as part of a multisystem network fully integrated with Pyramix through standard Ethernet. It offers sync to PAL, NTSC, 24fps film and all the HDTV frame rates.

For synching pictures, the VCube recorders work in the Czech National TV audio post production facility with 12 Fairlights and a Dolby-equipped dubbing theatre with custom built ADRs. Each of the VCubes has been customized to the particular requirements of the national TV station.

Czech TV currently broadcasts on two terrestrial channels and several satellite channels.

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