Digital Alert Systems Announces Firmware Upgrade

Digital Alert Systems (DAS) has announced a free firmware upgrade for all users of the company’s DASDEC EAS devices. The upgrade provides support for Common Alerting Protocol (CAP) compliance. According to DAS, the new firmware will also be included as a standard part of all new DASDEC systems delivered.

“As a founding member of the EAS-CAP Industry Group and designers of the first digital EAS technology, Digital Alert Systems has been intimately involved in helping to define the role of CAP as it relates to EAS,” said Bill Robertson, business development manager at DAS. “This free firmware upgrade is our way of supporting the radio and television broadcasting industries and our customers in particular, thanking them for their confidence in our product and confirming that they made the right choice in committing to DASDEC.”

The updated firmware is downloadable from DAS and will be made available to all of the company’s DASDEC-I and DASDEC-II customers as soon as the final FEMA/FCC CAP requirements are announced.

Digital Alert Systems is based in Lyndonville, N.Y. and is a division of Monroe Electronics.