DIRECTV and UNIVISION install Videoframe's VTECS Signal Monitoring System

The VTECS Signal Monitoring System is based on a three-tier architecture.

DIRECTV and UNIVISION of Florida are both using Videoframe's VTECS Signal Monitoring System in their facilities. DIRECTV is using VTECS to monitor DTMF tones, while UNIVISION is using the system to monitor SDI and AES/EBU audio.

The VTECS Signal Monitoring System is based on a three-tier architecture. The Enterprise tier, or first tier, is the VTECS Enterprise Monitoring Software, a Windows-based computer program that connects to devices on tiers two and three. The software draws together signal monitoring input from these devices and displays monitoring input and logs events as they occur.

Tier two, or modular tier is based on the VF200 modular card frame and modules. There are 10 different interface modules for the 12-card frame. The modules include: Control, analog video, SDI video, analog audio, AES/EBU audio, DTMF tone, 16 relay output, 16 GPI input, 32 GPIO input/output and 2x2 passive transfer switch modules.

The VF200 can report defects to the VTECS Enterprise, a SNMP Manager, or it can set its own GPI relays depending on user configuration. The VF200 can be set-up to operate in stand-alone mode by using the Windows based Videoframe Configuration Application or by using a VTECS Control Panel.

The third tier is based on the new VNODE or Spot Signal Monitoring product line. VNODES are self-contained small-scale signal monitoring units. There are six VNODE models and each has the same software, and Ethernet interface features, as well as, relay output GPI capability for generating local alarm responses. VNODES can report defects to VTECS Enterprise Monitoring Software, an SNMP manager or it can respond to defects by selecting it's own GPI relays. A VNODE unit can be configured by using either the Videoframe Configuration Application or by using a VTECS 1 Control Panel.

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