DVB Webinars to Cover Content Cratered by Conference Cancellation

(Image credit: DVB)

GENEVA—Add DVB to the growing list of broadcast industry players responding to the coronavirus pandemic with alternatives to long held plans and traditions.

The industry consortium announced it will offer a series of free webinars based on program content scheduled to be presented at DVB World 2020, which was to be held March 8-11 in Valencia, Spain.

The webinars include:

DVB will use the Zoom platform to present the webinars. Registration is open via the webinar links provided and on the DVB website.

The next DVB World conference is scheduled to take place in Berlin, March 22-24, 2021.

Phil Kurz

Phil Kurz is a contributing editor to TV Tech. He has written about TV and video technology for more than 30 years and served as editor of three leading industry magazines. He earned a Bachelor of Journalism and a Master’s Degree in Journalism from the University of Missouri-Columbia School of Journalism.