DVD hardware experiences explosive growth

More than 10 million DVD players were sold to consumers during the first half of 2003, a 44 percent increase compared with the same period last year, according to the Digital Entertainment Group (DEG).

More than 66 million DVD players have been sold since the format’s launch in April 1997, bringing the number of DVD households to nearly 50 million (adjusting for households with more than one player). Consumer desire for DVD players continues to outpace demand for all other consumer electronic products.

Nearly a third (32 percent) of all non-owner households expect to purchase some type of DVD player in the next year, a slightly higher percentage than those who expressed their intent to buy a DVD player last year (about 28 percent), the research revealed.

“As we continue to embrace the success of the DVD format, consumer enthusiasm for DVD hardware and software also continues to be one of the primary drivers for the overall success of Home Theater,” said Gary Bauhard, director of marketing, Pioneer Electronics and DEG vice president.

The Digital Entertainment Group (DEG) is the new name for the DVD Entertainment Group, a six-year-old trade association charged with promoting the DVD format.

For more information, visit www.dvdinformation.com.

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