ePort Passes $1 Billion Milestone, TVB Seeks Operational Partner for Platform

NEW YORK: This just in from the Television Bureau of Advertising: “You may have seen recent press reports that TVB is considering several scenarios concerning the future of TVB ePort. We wish to clarify what is and what is not happening.

“TVB ePort has just passed the $1 billion milestone in sales order volume, with electronic orders being sent by 185 agencies and advertisers to more than 1,089 TV stations and national rep firms. June was a record month for orders and make-goods.

“New agencies are being added to the ePort roster every week. Buy-side users are urging the development of more functionality. Political agencies as Media AdVentures are using ePort to help manage the demands of the 2010 election season, for example.

“We are working to increase ePort’s value for all players. Consistent with TVB’s position that e-business is in the best interest of the industry, we are maintaining our role as e-business advocate and facilitator.

“We are exploring ways to increase ePort’s value by considering options to outsource the platform’s operations while maintaining its management. Doing so would increase the tech know-how and resources to expand ePort functionality, and could reduce the cost to broadcasters as well as increase ePort’s value in the stewardship process to sellers and buyers.

“The TVB board of directors has approved and is committed to the direction we are taking with TVB ePort and to keeping e-business at the top of TVB’s priority list.Their mandate to us is to decide how best to support TVB ePort now and in the future.”