FCC Seeks Feedback on BSS Bandwidth Redesignation

WASHINGTON: The Federal Communications Commission is seeking comments on a plan to redesignate the 42 to 42.5 GHz sub-band from a “broadcasting satellite service” to a “fixed satellite service.”

FSS birds are geostationary communications satellites used for TV, radio and network broadcast feeds, as well as for telephone and data communications. Birds designated BSS are used for radiocommunication services in which signals transmitted or retransmitted by space stations are intended for direct reception by the general public.

The FCC recently issued a Third Notice of Proposed Rulemaking seeking comment on technical rules for the FSS in the 37.5 to the 42.5 GHz band. The goal is to ensure that satellite operators can share the band with terrestrial fixed microwave services without causing interference. The proposed rules would also ensure the protection of radioastronomy operations in the 42.5 to 43.5 GHz band from interference from adjacent satellite operations.

The proposed rules also would provide standards for coordination of FSS gateway earth stations and fixed-service stations, and would establish a methodology for increasing power flux-density from satellites operating at 37.5 to 40 GHz under rain-fade conditions.

The 37.5 to 42.5 GHz band is shared by FSS and terrestrial microwave operators on a primary basis. Under a regulatory plan known as “soft segmentation,” technical rules favor the widespread deployment of terrestrial microwave stations in the 37.5 to 40.0 GHz portion of the band and widespread deployment of consumer satellite earth stations in the 40.0 to 42.5 GHz band.

The Third NPRM proposes to complete the allocation of the entire 37.5 to 42.5 GHz band to terrestrial microwave and FSS by removing BSS allocations and adding an FSS allocations in the 42.0 to 42.5 GHz band. The Notice requests comment on coordination procedures for FSS operators and terrestrial microwave operators in the band and requests comment on what protection requirements will adequately protect radioastronomy operations. It proposes to prevent interference to terrestrial microwave stations from higher-power satellite transmissions by requiring FSS operators to use measures other than boosting power to compensate for signal fade.

Comments are due Jan. 6, 2011, wich reply comments are due by Feb. 7, 2011 on WT Docket No. 07-293 and IB Docket No. 95-91.
-- from Government Video