FrameFree Technologies introduces FrameFree Video

At IBC2006, FrameFree Technologies unveiled FrameFree Video, a pixel-based video compression system that allows users to create video files with high picture quality at one-half to one-third the file size of current formats.

Unlike competing video compression systems, which use Block DCT Coding (MPEG, Windows Media and H.264), FrameFree Video uses a pixel-matching engine called Critical Point Filters (CPF) for compression. The result is a movie that is dramatically smaller than the commonly used DCT encoding method.

FrameFree Video is based on the same principles as FrameFree Studio, released earlier this year. FrameFree Studio starts with two digital still images at any resolution, and through analysis, interpolation and morphing, automatically provides interactivity and smooth motion between them.

Users of FrameFree Video will have access to FrameFree United Networks (FUN). FUN is a global content delivery system that aggregates original digital content for worldwide distribution.

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