Grass Valley Launches K2 Dyno Training Tour

SAN FRANCISCO—Grass Valley is rolling out a K2 Dyno Replay System leasing program in addition to a training tour.

The training tour began in Europe, with a first stop in Cologne, Germany in April. The U.S. leg of the training tour kicks off May 14-16 in San Francisco and will head to Los Angeles and the East Coast before going overseas again.

The training tour is intended to establish a pool of K2 Dyno operators. Each stop consists of three days. On day one, Grass Valley teaches one regional replay expert the methodology of the K2 Dyno Replay System. They are paid their customary day rate and are established as a certified K2 Dyno trainer. On day two, the newly-certified trainer educates local replay operators during a four-hour tutorial. On the final day, customers are invited to attend a scheduled one-on-one K2 Dyno demonstration facilitated by the trainer.

“Our new K2 Dyno training sessions are a highly effective and targeted way to enable experienced replay operators to expand their knowledge beyond their legacy system capabilities, helping to grow the marketplace. For non-experienced replay operators, the sessions deliver the hands-on training they need to eventually become conversant in live production replay,” said Mike Cronk, senior vice president of marketing at Grass Valley.

In conjunction with the training tour, Grass Valley is partnering with St. Louis, Mo.-based CSI Leasing to deliver a leasing option for K2 Dyno. The program facilitates the acquisition of a K2 Dyno S Elite XDCAM Package for qualified Grass Valley customers, and provides greater access to K2 Dyno’s capabilities and integration. Leasing the K2 Dyno will cost less than $3000 US per month for a 36-month term, and will not require a down payment or other upfront costs.