Grupo Globo and Fuyoh Video Sign on With AIMS

BOTHELL, WASH.—A pair of international broadcast companies have joined the ranks of the Alliance for IP Media Solutions, Brazil’s Grupo Globo and Japan’s Fuyoh Video.

Grupo Globo, a media group responsible for creating, producing and distributing TV, news, film, online and music content, has joined AIMS as a full member. The broadcast and video equipment manufacturer Fuyoh Video will be an associate member.

Both Grupo Globo and Fuyod Video will now ollow the AIMS bylaws, which provide specific guidance to members and to the media industry via its AIMS Roadmaps. The organization officially endorses an IP transition that includes support for SMPTE 2022-6, AES67, VSF recommendations TR-03 and TR-04, and AMWA NMOS IS-04.

For more information on AIMS and a full list of its members, visit