Hitachi HD cameras improve Fairfield University productions

Fairfield University, in Fairfield, CT, has upgraded its media center television productions with the addition of three Hitachi SK-3020P HD cameras, equipped with Hitachi CU-3100 camera control units and Fujinon HA18x7.6BRM HD lenses. The media center, which is located on campus in Xavier Hall, serves the production needs of the university and the school’s new media film, television and radio program within the department of visual and performing arts.

New media students at Fairfield are using the cameras to gain hands-on experience with real-world technology that will be of use when they graduate.

The Hitachi cameras, which are located in the media center’s 30ft x 45ft Studio B, are controlled and switched remotely from the university’s satellite uplink/television production truck parked outside the building.

Besides enabling Fairfield University to move up to multistandard, broadcast-quality, native 16:9 HDTV production capability, the new Hitachi HDTV studio/field cameras can also be packed onto the production truck and used to produce video from remote production sites, such as the university’s stadium, auditoriums and even off-campus locations.

The production truck, which is equipped with a Thomson Grass Valley Kayak HD production switcher and Chyron LEX2 HD graphics engine, also has a Ku-band satellite uplink on the roof.

Major media outlets such as CNN, FOX, MSNBC, and CSPAN frequently call on Fairfield for “live shot” origination, according to the school. This allows students to participate in national broadcast programs in addition to providing the media center with a new revenue stream.

Recently CNN’s “Larry King Live” taped a segment with the university’s Hitachi HDTV cameras and satellite production truck for live remote video of Connecticut congressman Christopher Shays when he appeared as a guest. The cameras and satellite production truck are also being used to produce regional college basketball games for Cablevision of Connecticut University.

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