IBC2003 show attendance up six percent from last year
With the conclusion of IBC2003, convention organizers released attendance statistics showing a six percent rebound from last year.
Total attendance for IBC2003 reached 36, 395 of which nearly 70 percent were listed as visitors, according to attendance demographics released on the IBC Web site.
Their statistics indicate total registration for IBC approached 2000 levels. Furthermore, the statistics show a demonstrable upswing in the percentage of total IBC attendees categorized as “visitors” as opposed to “exhibitors.”
Total attendance for IBC2003 reached 36, 395 of which nearly 70 percent were listed as visitors, according to attendance demographics released on the IBC Web site. This year’s total attendance figure compares to 45,500 in 2000 and 34, 356 last year. Significantly, the number of visitors (which excludes exhibitors) reached 25,175 –nearly 2,000 more than last year and about 1,500 shy of the year 2000 visitor level. Those classified as visitors represented almost 59 percent of total attendees in 2000 and about 68 percent in 2002.
Excluding exhibitors about 31 percent of IBC2003 attendees worked for companies with 250 or more employees. About 17 percent were employed by companies with between 51 and 250 workers; roughly 22 percent by companies with 11 to 50 workers; and nearly 30 percent for companies with one to 10 workers. These percentages closely match the complexion of last year’s attendees. Similar statistics were not available for IBC2000.
IBC conference organizers also collected information about the business activity of those attending the conference. This year about 20 percent of attendees excluding exhibitors worked for broadcast stations or networks, 10 percent worked in the post-production industry; and another 10 percent were employed by dealers or distributors. About 8.5 percent worked in the production industry, and approximately 6 percent each came from the manufacturing, consulting and cable television sectors. The percentages for the same job titles were similar at the 2002 event.
By job function, the statistics showed, about 28 percent of attendees to be technical, about 19 percent corporate, 17 percent sales and marketing, about 19 percent to be corporate, close to 10 percent operations, and 8 percent involved with research and development.
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