IBC2008 to address media technology convergence, content implications

IBC2008 will address the wave of media technology convergence that is melding once disparate services, technologies and industries into a cohesive amalgamation of devices, ranging from the mobile phone, handheld devices, PCs and television to digital signage.

During its conference program (Sept. 11-16) and at its exhibits (Sept. 12-16) in the RAI in Amsterdam, IBC2008 will place a special focus on this convergence and the tie that binds this collection of distribution devices together, namely broadcast content. The show, which traditionally covers all aspects of content creation, management and delivery, will expand its reach to encompass this unfolding convergence.

On Thursday, Sept. 11, the theme for the opening day of IBC2008 conferences will be “Content Access via the Web.” Aimed at examining the ways media consumers are using a bevy of new devices, like mobile phones, PCs, multimedia players and game consoles, to access entertainment, the day will offer insight into how this phenomenon is impacting the traditional broadcast value chain.

Another perspective will be offered Saturday, Sept. 13, when the conference theme will be “Digital Dividend: HD, mobile, broadband or new media?” A focus of the day will be on the options, opportunities and issues presented when telecom operators compete for spectrum released by traditional broadcasters relinquishing bandwidth as part of their digital broadcast transition.

The theme Sunday, Sept. 14, will be “Content production: technology, creativity and business in an era of headlong change.” This day, the broadcast sector of the media industry will have the chance to offer its unique perspective on the creative and commercial implications of this changing media landscape.

For more information, visit www.ibc.org.