IEEE Broadcast Technology Group Sponsors 56th Symposium

The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Broadcast Technology Society is sponsoring the organization's 56th annual broadcast symposium. This year's event is slated for Sept. 27-29 and will be held at the Hotel Washington in Washington, D.C.

The program opens with a tutorial session on IPTV presented by Wei Li, Hong Liu and Yiyan Wu of the Communications Research Centre in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.

Planned symposium presentations include the areas of mobile TV, multimedia technologies, digital television systems and standards, operation of unlicensed devices in the television broadcast spectrum, distributed transmission systems, as well as topics in radio engineering.

The event will include a joint BTS/AFCCE luncheon on Thursday, featuring David E. Young vice president of federal regulatory affairs for Verizon Communications as the speaker.

Other events include an awards luncheon on Friday, with John Abel, US Telecom Association vice president, as the speaker, and a Wednesday evening welcoming reception.