Ikegami Editcam to use Flip4Mac for final cut compatibility

With the new Flip4Mac component for Editcam, Final Cut Pro editors will be able to browse, import, and edit content captured with the hard drive-based camera.

Editcam, Ikegami’s tapeless camcorder system, will soon have file compatibility and direct file transfer into Apple Final Cut Pro systems via Telestream’s Flip4Mac digital media import component.

Editcam is not natively supported by Final Cut Pro and is currently limited to use with Avid nonlinear edit systems and servers.

Telestream’s Flip4Mac technology will enable file-based workflows to be compatible with Apple’s Final Cut Pro post-production software. With the new Flip4Mac component for Editcam, due in the next quarter, Final Cut Pro editors will be able to browse, import, and edit content captured with the Editcam.

Transfers can occur faster than real time. Additional functionality includes metadata support and the ability to view key frames.

For more information, visit http://www.flip4mac.com/ and http://www.ikegami.com/.

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