Imagine Communications and ECN Do BXF 3.0 Traffic & Billing

DALLAS – Imagine Communication has released LandmarkOSI Traffic & Billing 8.4, said to be the first traffic and billing system that provides the ability to receive and electronically ingest commercial instructions using the SMPTE Broadcast eXchange Format 3.0.

Developed in partnership with leading media services provider Entertainment Communications Network, the BXF feature, used in conjunction with ECN’s services for advertising agencies, helps simplify commercial scheduling and reduce make-goods due to programming errors. Version 8.4 with BXF 3.0 is scheduled for Q2 2015 release.

ECN, which led the effort to enhance the existing SMPTE BXF standard, distributes thousands of commercial instructions and radio spots each week to broadcast media on behalf of advertising agencies. Imagine said stations and networks now spend an average of three to four minutes inputting commercial copy by entering the airdate, advertiser, brand, commercial code (Ad-ID or ISCI), length and other details into their traffic systems.

The integration between ECN’s service and LandmarkOSI is designed to significantly accelerate workflows between media placement and airtime. Commercial schedules are ingested using XML, eliminating the labor-intensive process of manually re-keying information received via fax and e-mail, along with the inevitable human errors with the associated data entry. By leveraging XML delivery of agency-approved commercial instructions, broadcasters can more quickly review, reconcile, revise and reach consumers with greater accuracy and less expense. Other meaningful efficiencies include closer-to-air ad buys, last-minute scheduling changes and immediate scheduling confirmation.

LandmarkOSI Traffic & Billing can be deployed to the public LandmarkOSI cloud or a private cloud, or hosted on-premises.

Further workflow enhancements are also planned for LandmarkOSI Traffic & Billing, with the enhancement of EC2WAY to support electronic, automated make-goods between LandmarkOSI Traffic & Billing and agencies’ and advertisers’ systems. This eBusiness capability improves productivity by providing a complete process for multiplatform buying/selling.