John Pichitino Joins Ensemble Designs Team

John Pichitino has been named Ensemble Designs’ new “technology evangelist.” He is founder of PichPix, a post production services company.

“Pichitino's experience in broadcast, post and manufacturing make him uniquely qualified to work in this new position at Ensemble Designs,” said Cindy Zuelsdorf, marketing czar at Ensemble. “We're exciting about John bringing back input from customers and making significant contributions to our new technology development.”

“I have been a long time admirer of Ensemble Designs products,” said Pichitino. “They have a very strong product line, and I’m looking forward to taking these products to the marketplace.”

In addition to founding PichPix and serving as its chief executive office, Pichitino was director of marketing for ImMix and Scitex Digital Video. He also served as senior applications specialist for the Grass Valley Group.