KCTV boosts look for HD broadcast with Vizrt graphics technology

KCTV-DT, the CBS affiliate in Kansas City, MO, is now broadcasting its local newscasts in high definition using graphics created with Vizrt software. The station’s HD broadcasts began with the U.S. presidential election results in November.

Three Viz Engine real-time renderers installed in the station’s control room power the graphics created in Viz Trio, Vizrt’s 2-D/3-D character generator. The graphics are used for all the station’s lower third, full screen, and opening graphics, as well as interstitial elements. KCTV also employs Vizrt software for sports graphics production during broadcast of Kansas City Chief football games and for other special live events.

In addition to basic CG functionality, a set of advanced features has provided KCTV staff with the ability to create and deliver complex graphics. Viz Trio enables connectivity to multiple newsroom systems and integration with nonlinear editing systems. KCTV’s newsroom workflow is enhanced by Viz Trio’s context switching on graphics and Look-Ahead Transition Logic features. The Viz Engine also allows the station to perform and render 3-D animations in real time. Gone are the days of pre-rendering animations.

For more information, visit www.vizrt.com.