Make way, DVRs; younger Americans prefer online TV
By TVTechnology
published For most young television viewers, digital video recorders are yesterday’s news thanks to the Internet and presence of their favorite shows via the Web, according to new research from Solution’s Research Group (SRG).
During fall sweeps in November, SRG spoke with 1200 young people, age 12 and up, living in the United States about their TV viewing habits, and compared the results to data from the two previous falls for its “Prime Time is Anytime” study.
The research group found:
- Online TV viewing stands at 50 percent, double the rate of 25 percent in the fall of 2006.
- Seventy percent of 18- to 34-year olds have at some point watched TV online, while 36 percent have never watched a program played back from a DVR or TiVO.
- A total of 24 percent have heard of the Hulu Web site.
- Two out of three visitors to Hulu are men and average 33 years of age.
- Within the past month, 15 percent of online Americans have visited the Webs ite of a major TV network to watch a show online. Fifty-four percent of this group was women with an average age of 39.
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