MediaKind Unveils New MK.IO Capabilities To Streamline Live Event Workflows

(Image credit: MediaKind)

FRISCO, Texas—MediaKind launched new services at IBC 2024, which concluded Sept. 16, within its MK.IO platform to streamline live event workflows from the edge to the cloud.

The capabilities include Fleet Management, Flow Control and AI Automation. With MK.IO Beam edge processing, the new services create a programmable media network that allows producers to manage diverse live workflows on a per-event basis, thereby reducing the complexity and cost of live production and in-venue operations, MediaKind said.

The solution addresses the rising complexity of managing an increasing number of video feeds, camera views, diverse data inputs and formats. Sports venues, in particular, are increasingly using digital video to enhance experiences for spectators, referees and athletes. Traditional production methods rely on stacks of single-purpose hardware that can drive up infrastructure costs, slow integration and require extensive staff training, it said.

Programmable media networks offer a solution by allowing operators a way to rethink how they approach live events. A programmable media network enables them to set up a contribution network with just a few words and use the same infrastructure to stream every camera angle to the public during an event, it said.

MediaKind’s approach enables operators to reprogram live workflows on a per-event basis, eliminating the need for significant infrastructure investments or lengthy setup times. The same infrastructure can support content contribution, distribution, in-venue streaming, replays and even expand to new applications leveraging real-time data from the venue, it said. 

MediaKind’s MK.IO enables programmable media networks with its MK.IO Beam and Fleet Management, a containerized software solution running on commercial off-the-shelf servers that delivers flexible, reprogrammable edge video processing. Managed through MK.IO’s unified cloud control plane, Beam devices can easily be upgraded, configured and monitored across the entire production network, it said.

MK.IO Flow Control and AI-Assisted Automaton is an intuitive API that streamlines feeds and workflow management allowing operators to define network feeds with a few mouse clicks. It automatically routes, configures and processes content. A natural language interface enables operators to set up, monitor and manage workflows without the need for advanced knowledge, it said.

More information is available on the company’s website.

Phil Kurz

Phil Kurz is a contributing editor to TV Tech. He has written about TV and video technology for more than 30 years and served as editor of three leading industry magazines. He earned a Bachelor of Journalism and a Master’s Degree in Journalism from the University of Missouri-Columbia School of Journalism.