Motion Picture Industry Remembers Edmund M. DiGiulio

Edmund M. DiGiulio, 76, a technological innovator for the motion picture industry, died of congestive heart failure at his home in Malibu on June 4.

DiGiulio won several Academy Awards for his influential work, including the Gordon E. Sawyer Lifetime Achievement Oscar in 2001. He also won an Emmy Award.

After graduating from Columbia University in 1950, he had a brief stint at IBM before moving on to Mitchell Camera Corp. At Mitchell he developed a reflex viewing system for the Mitchell BNC camera for which he received an Engineering and Scientific Award from the Academy of Motion Pictures Arts and Sciences, as well as the System-35 Mark II camera with video assist and camera control unit for three-camera filming used by Director of Photograph Ozzie Morris in "Stop the World I Want to Get Off."

DiGiulio founded Cinema Products in 1968 and developed the TV newsfilm "Mickey Mouse"-eared camera, the CP16 and CP16-R. The CP16 regained fame when used for "The Blair Witch Project."

In 1978, DiGiulio along with the inventor Garret Brown and the Cinema Products staff won an Oscar for the development of the Steadicam--a motion picture stabilization system worn by the camera operator.

Director/producer Stanley Kubrick worked with DiGiulio on many specialized projects, including "A Clockwork Orange" and "Barry Lyndon" where DiGiulio created ultra-high-speed lenses for the candlelit scenes.

DiGiulio is survived by his wife of 47 years, Louise Brown DiGiulio, their daughter and granddaughter.