Moving Picture Company selects Eyeheight safe area generators

European post house Moving Picture Company (MPC) has ordered five Eyeheight safeEyesMDi multidefinition safe area generators for installation at its headquarters in the Soho neighborhood of London.

MPC is refurbishing its video effects suites and will use the output from the safeEyesMDi multidefinition cage generators to connect directly to HD monitors, said Tom Harvey, the post house's video broadcast engineer. The safeEyesMDi auto-detects SD and HD, allowing MPC to route both on a single feed. Additionally, each unit has six memory presets that can be assigned to house style or to individual users.

Eyeheight's safeEyesMDi multidefinition safe area generator allows program originators and editors to ensure that titles, action, graphics, credits and other essential content are held close to the center of the transmitted image regardless of the output's screen size or shape.

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